Introduction - Part II - Beckham
Also Known As: Jealous Cat
Date of Birth: 1st July 2003
Found Location: Same indescript neighbourhood park in Seletar.
Status When Found: 1 ~ 3 days old, eyes shut. Becks was found 12 hours after Mikan, on the other side of the bush, lying under the hot sun.
Loves: Being brushed.
Squeezing to the head of the queue, whenever there is one.
Jumping into closets and refusing to come out while messing it up.
Hates: Being made to come out of closets, Being left on her own, Rainy days.
They grow up so fast... :)
5Cats, at 12:08 PM, March 08, 2006
They do! But much as they are so adorable when they are young, they are much more pleasant to have around now. :D
Mini-Meow, at 5:30 PM, March 08, 2006
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